Author Archives: admin

Planet united in praise for TxK

And that’s only a slight exaggeration. TxK is without a doubt the best reviewed game Llamasoft has ever made. Check out the responses so far. They are still coming in . So far we have a Metacritic score of 86. … Continue reading

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TxK OST now available!

I’m sure by now you’ll be well aware of just what a cracking soundtrack there is in TxK. Just as in T2K, the soundtrack really completes the game perfectly. It’s just not be the same game with rubbish tunes. What … Continue reading

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The Road to TxK: Genesis of a Genre

There’s a particular style of arcade shooter that’s pretty well established by now – let’s call it the neo-retro arcade shooter. It’s characterised by oldschool arcade-style shooting gameplay, typically uses a stylised glowing vector graphic style along with high-energy techno … Continue reading

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The Big Video, and a first look at Oculus Rift

After the little gameplay snippets in the last update I thought people might like to see a good solid chunk of genuine gameplay as it is on the current alpha build. I’ll inline the YT video of it but be … Continue reading

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TxK state of play – Alpha

I thought people might like to see how the progress of the game is going now as we reach the Alpha milestone. Basically the framework for the whole game is there now, and moving forward from here my main work … Continue reading

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State of play at First Playable

Just got back from a nice weekend in London, during which we delivered our “first playable” milestone to Sony.  Actually writing up the blog at the milestone steps as each one is passed sounds like a pretty good way to … Continue reading

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A new beginning.

Beginnings are interesting times.  They can also be a bit scary too, bringing with them unknown territory and new things to be learnt and used.  I think it’s always been like that, as far back as I can remember, when … Continue reading

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Stay tuned, not ready yet …

Stay tuned, not ready yet, this is all part of the “new stuff” we are working on and soon to come out.

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